

Protect What You’ve Worked For

Our company’s focus is on elder care law and estate planning. We will work closely with you so that you receive the benefits and care that you deserve.

Excellent Legal Assistance

Under the leadership of our very knowledgeable founder, Attorney Roush, our team will dedicate effort and time to providing the services you need.

Entering a nursing home may mean that you will not be able to properly manage your assets. Before you go to one, you can work with us to make sure that the money and belongings you leave behind are properly cared for.

Our law firm can assist both in Medicaid planning and in the Medicaid application process.
By knowing the complex Medicaid system rules, we can counsel clients on what their best options are so as to get help paying for home healthcare, assisted living, or nursing home care as soon as possible by losing the least possible amount of their own money first. There are three options when it comes to Medicaid planning:

  1. 5 year Medicaid Trust planning
  2. Pre-Crisis Medicaid planning
  3. Crisis Medicaid planning

Our law firm can assist any wartime veteran (World War II, Korea, Vietnam) with getting the Aid & Attendance Pension.
This is a monthly tax-free benefit anywhere between $1,432-$2,642 per month depending on qualifications to help pay for any type of long term care help.
As long as a wartime veteran, or their surviving spouse, pays out at least all their fixed monthly income (Social Security & Pensions) to care, plus are under $150,000 in combined monies, they should be eligible to receive this monthly pension.
There are four levels of care where you can receive this VA Pension:

  1. At Home
  2. At Independent Living
  3. At Assisted living
  4. At Nursing Home

Our law firm will help protect as many of your assets as possible under the law.
Our focus will be on getting you the care you need, while also protecting your hard-earned assets that you've spent your lifetime accumulating.

Our law firm can assist clients with Will-based estate planning & Trust-based estate planning.
These include: A Will or a Trust, Powers of Attorney for Finances, Powers of Attorney for Health Care, and a Living Will.
Deed work on the Home, Land, or Other Properties can also be provided to avoid Probate on those assets.
Proper estate planning can also avoid the need for a Guardianship later in life as well.


Reach Out to Us Today

Trust our capable team to ensure the security of your assets and help you receive the benefits you deserve. For more information about our company and services, get in touch with us today. We look forward to hearing from you!